Subrapubic Liposuction Surgery

Suprapubic Liposuction (Fat Pad) Procedure in Turkey

Climax Andrology specialises in what is also known as “hidden penis” surgery or suprapubic liposuction. It is a condition where the penis looks shorter than it is due to fat accumulation in the suprapubic area.

What is Suprapubic Fat?

Suprapubic fat refers to the fat located above the pubic bone, which can build up over time. It forms part of a typical anatomical structure but sometimes becomes excessively thick, resulting in an embedded penis syndrome. In such cases, this region appears to bury or hide much of the surrounding tissues, making it seem significantly shorter than its actual length.

Causes for Accumulation of Suprapubic Fats:

Several factors may contribute towards an enlarged supra pubic fat pad; some common causes include;

  • Weight Gain – Increased body mass generally leads to higher deposits around suprapubic areas.
  • Ageing – Hormonal changes with ageing among men coupled with slower metabolism rates can facilitate more accessible accumulation, specifically around abdominal and pubic regions.
  • Genetics—Some individuals have genetic predispositions that cause them to store more fat in certain parts, such as the suprapubic zone.
  • Lifestyle Factors—Sedentary living, lousy eating habits, and a lack of physical activity are known to contribute to the accumulation of excess fat in these sites.

Appearance and Effects of Excessive Supra Pubic Obesity:

When someone has an enlarged supra-pubescent fatty tissue, there tends to be a bulging appearance at the lower abdomen/ pelvic region. This not only affects the general body outlook but also makes the penis look shorter or even buried partly under the fat. The majority of men suffering from this problem experience severe psychological distress due to low self-esteem arising from negative perceptions about their image as well as sexual performance anxiety/confidence, thus affecting overall quality of life and greatly stigmatizing them socially, too.

Problems Related To Having Too Much Supra Pubic Fat:

Apart from being concerned about how one appears when having too much fat, other issues can arise as well, including;

  • Perceived Penile Shortening – The main problem is thought to be connected with a seeming shortness of the penis where the base gets hidden by fatty tissues. This may affect sexual satisfaction and confidence.
  • Hygiene Worries—In such cases, it might be challenging to keep clean because everything seems to be buried, creating room for irritations or infections around the genitals.
  • Physical Discomfort – Sometimes physical discomforts occur, especially during strenuous activities like sports, which demand more energy, or even while having sex due to friction caused between organs involved in these actions against each other. They rub, leading to pain and sometimes injuries.

Our Approach: Supra Pubis Liposuction

At Climax Andrology Turkey, we have developed an all-inclusive treatment package called suprapubic liposuction which seeks to address embedded penis syndrome through the complete removal of the buried part, thus improving the overall look around the genital area.

Key Benefits and Expected Results:

Visible Length Increase:
Most people notice an increase in apparent length after undergoing suprapubic lipo. Patients typically gain between 1.5-2.5 cm or some cases, can be more visible penis length following this procedure depending on the volume/thickness removed along with individual anatomy being different from one person to another, thus causing variation in gains achieved by various individuals. More visibility not only makes it attractive but also enhances sexual satisfaction.

Aesthetic Improvement:
Not only does the elimination of fat from the suprapubic region increase visible penis length, but it also markedly improves the overall look of the genitals. What takes place is a more distinct and proportional pubic area that contributes to a sleeker, youthful appearance. Such an aesthetic enhancement can significantly impact how much confidence and satisfaction a man has with his body, making him even more satisfied with his physical looks.

Result Variation:
Suprapubic Liposuction comes with many benefits, but different results are achieved depending on some factors unique to individuals, such as the initial amount of fats, elasticity of their skin or even the general composition of their bodies. Having this in mind, our highly skilled surgical team plans and executes operations while considering each person’s specific requirements, thus ensuring personalised treatment options for all patients to attain the best possible outcomes.

Combined Penis Enlargement Surgery:
Those who desire more significant improvements may combine penile enlargement procedures with suprapubic liposuctions to address embeddedness alongside girth increase and overall size enhancement. In other words, these two surgeries should be done at once since doing them separately will lead to more extended recovery periods without giving better results regarding both functionalities and appearances.

Dealing With Age-Related Changes:
With advancing years among males come alterations in the body make-up, which could aggravate an already buried-looking penis syndrome; nevertheless, age-related concerns about this issue can be treated effectively by means like those involving removals through supra bulbar lipo suctioning – thereby bringing back youthfulness into one’s life again most importantly though being functionally minded let alone functional enhancing also make perfect sense for any older man interested in staying fit forever.

Contact Us Today

Ready to take the next step? Don’t wait—reach out to us today! Whether you’re interested in Suprapubic Liposuction, or if you have any other questions, we’re here to assist. You can get in touch with us through:

At Climax Andrology Turkey, our dedicated team is always available to answer your
questions, schedule your appointments, and provide the support you need. We’re committed to helping you regain confidence and joy in your life. Don’t hesitate—contact us now!

Suprapubic Liposuction (Fat Pad) Surgery Frequently Asked Questions

Suprapubic liposuction is a surgery used to remove excess fat from the area right above your pubic bone. This can make the penis appear longer by getting rid of any fat that may be hiding part of it.

This operation is best suited for men who have extra fat in their pubic region which causes their penis to look shorter than it really is. Suitable candidates should be healthy enough to undergo the procedure and have realistic expectations about what can be achieved.

Surgeons perform supra-pubic liposuction through small incisions made in or around the pubic region, just below where hair typically grows. A cannula (a thin tube) is inserted through these incisions to remove excess fat deposits beneath the skin using vacuum suction machines. The procedure usually takes between 60-75 minutes, depending on the complexity, and is done under general anesthesia to ensure patient comfort.

Most people can return to light activities within few days after having undergone suprapubic liposuction swelling and bruising are normal and should go away in a few weeks while full healing may take several weeks more depending on various factors such as patients age, general health status among others.

On average, visible length of the penis increases by around 1½ – 2½ cm (Most cases even more), depending on how much fat was removed during surgery.

Yes, typically they are permanent unless one gains significant amount of weight postoperatively since this may lead into re-accumulation of fats within previously treated areas.

Suprapubic Liposuction can be combined with other procedures such as penile enlargement, length and girth enhancement, fat injection and scrotoplasty to give transformative functional and aesthetic outcomes in the same operative setting. This method saves time besides shortening recovery; it also produces excellent results at a lower price thus making it possible for one achieve their desired transformation through only one surgery.

The incisions made during liposuction are small and usually placed so that they cannot be easily seen; hence, any resulting scars should be minimal and fade away with time.

It is advisable to wait for at least four to 3-4 weeks before resuming any sexual activity so as allow complete healing take place.

Preparation may involve stopping certain medications, cessation of smoking & adherence to specific dietary requirements prior operation; all these will be communicated by your surgeon together with other necessary instructions through patient coordinator.

The price varies depending on complexity involved as well as whether multiple surgeries are done simultaneously; however you can always request for detailed estimate from Climax Andrology patient care representatives who usually charge about 50-60% less than what comparable services would cost in USA or UK without compromising quality standards.

Most often insurance providers do not cover such interventions since they fall under cosmetic category; nevertheless you may want confirm with your insurer directly

The National Health Service (NHS) does not usually cover the cost of Suprapubic Liposuction as it is deemed a cosmetic procedure in most cases. Cosmetic surgeries are generally unfunded by NHS unless there is a medical requirement which is very unlikely in regards to this surgical operation.
